salam & a very good evening/night. sheesh! i think i just woke up or something. damn! i can't even remember what time i woke . maybe i woke up & fell asleep again. i think. i'm not doing drugs, alcohol or anything. it's just my sleep pattern is just really messed up & at some certain times, i feel confuse when i wake up or when i'm finishing one of my assignments but today was the worst. i don't want to mention your name or anything but if you're reading this, i think it's that you need to know. not trying to sound desperate or what, it's just feels better if you know that i kinda miss you in certain ways until just for the past one week where you invade my dreams & a lot. i mean there's a time where in a blink of a moment where you crossed my mind. i don't know why but some things or some place just reminds me of you.
okay! back to the story where i was dreaming of you. YA ALLAH! i thought the dream was very lucid & you were right there. we were talking, have fun & hanging out at a cafe. is it me or there's something messing my head. i don't know but i slept well last night with the dreams that i'm having. it's not some kind of a wet dream okay! huhuhhhh.. believe me it's NOT! it's a kind of dream where you dream about a random girl that you really like or maybe my dream is just a random dream where i dream of you or it's something else. only god knows. only time will tell. well my family is out for kampung. it's just me & my little brother. he's out skateboarding. maybe i just hang out with my friends & i have a shisha or two. one of my friends just came back from johor to enjoy the weekend. i don't know what to eat for dinner. maybe i cook something out from the kitchen after this. all i can say about today occurrence is that i think i miss you or something. i really like you. i hope i can see in the near future.