01 November 2010

Let The Fun Begins

budakkacamata here. november november awesome november. i want to join this month to the fullest because the fun and games will come to me. i don't know why but i have a hunch that i will have so much fun especially with my friends of course. first up, my best friend moose or moosetoufu which i like to call him by that name is coming back to malaysia 18th november. can't wait! and i can't wait to continue my job at hookahhouse and designing some t -shirts for some clients. i like to design random stuff from buildings to vintage vintage stuff. most of my clients really darn like my designs. i couldn't believe it but it's true. they pay me 50 bucks per design. i'm a happy boy indeed. anyway, the shisha shop that i work at pays 50 bucks per night. good pay? i'm not trying to boast or anything, it's just that i'm deeply glad that i've been given the opportunity to do something that i like which is making shishas for customers and designing t-shirt that i like. i'm grateful for everyone. *thumbs up*

i think i'm going to make party just for my best friends & others since i have a well paid job. the usual barbecue of course with smores and shisha on the side with an awesome fruit punch like last year's barbecue but seriously, i have been sick since last friday and it was the worst ill i have ever had so far. THE WORST! i can't sleep, my body's shivering all the time, i got cold sweats, every light that i see is yellow even though the real colour is gree, white or red and the worst out of all of it is that i lost my appetite to eat. i don't feel hungry at all but alhamdulillah, i'm getting better and kicking. i've been having my asthma since i was little. as i can remember, i have been having asthma since i was three. i remember i spend a month in the hospital because of my asthma. 

anyway, here's the list :

1. work at hookahhouse
2. designing t-shirt design for some clients
3. a surprise party for moose
4. saving money to buy a fixie
5. fixie fitness
6. save more money for the future
7. be more careful
8. mandi sungai
9. call of duty black ops
10. faith
11. series and movies downloads
12. road trips

budakkacamata. chalo <3


najwaabdkahar said...

awesome job!! u like design shirt n me too.cool ryte. hooyeayh!!

JapaneseRojak said...

yeah and they pay good moolah
sorry for the super late reply :/

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